Friday 24 May 2013

Connell - Crianlarich 36.73 miles. On A85
Mostly sun. First half easy, second quite hard with some very long dragging hills. Also, the surface of the road was rough asphalt; it almost appears like a brake.
Stopped first for a break at Taynuilt. The second stop at the Cruachan Dam Visitor Centre. We were asked if we would like a guided tour and cyclists don't pay! But let me first tell you The Legend of Cruachan. So here goes:
The Cailleach Bheur or Bera (the old Hag of the Ridges), was the guardian of a fountain that welled up from the peak of Ben Cruachan. It was her duty to cover the spring with a slab of stone at sundown and lift away the rock at sunrise. One evening she fell asleep and the well overflowed. The water, rushing down the mountainside, burst open a new outlet to the sea through the Pass of Brander. By the time the Cailleach awoke, the water had flooded the wide strath below and drowned all the people and their cattle. So was formed the River Awe and Loch Awe. The Cailleach was turned to stone and sits to this day high on the mountain above the Pass of Brander.
Now for our tour.
We experienced an underground world on a spectacular scale. We were taken on a journey deep into the secret heart of this majestic mountain and were shown one of the hidden wonders of the Scottish Highlands - Cruachan Power Station. An underground hollow mountain and a place like no other. 1 km below the ground is a massive cavern, as high as the Tower of London, which houses enormous turbines converting the power of water from Loch Awe into electricity - sent straight to homes with the flick of a switch. A coach took us deep into the heart of this mountain, along a massive tunnel cut through solid rock. We were lead into a different world, so warm that sub- tropical plants grow due to the humid conditions. We were then shown the nerve centre of this station - the massive turbines are so powerful that they can create 100.000 kw of energy in only 2 min. It was an awesome visit and we all felt as if on set into a James Bond film.
After this we carried on cycling the 2nd half and arrived at Crianlarich at about 4.30.

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